How SEAUK works:
Somatic Experience Therapy is being increasingly recognised globally as a hugely successful form of treatment for anyone with Trauma & PTSD / Complex-PTSD.
It is still ‘relatively’ new and therefore it is not yet seen as a ‘stand alone’ treatment.
This means:
Anyone qualified in Somatic Experiencing has successfully completed 3 full years of training in SE and has to have:
1: A Professional Qualification in one of the main therapeutic modalities ( EG. Psychotherapy, Coaching, Bodywork, etc..)
2: Active registration with a governing body for their ‘main’ modality (see above) that recognises their use of Somatic Experiencing with clients.
3: Insurance that covers them for working with you and using Somatic Experiencing as part of their therapeutic practice.
Every member of SEAUK has all of the above criteria regularly checked by us and can only appear on our directory when all of these requirements are met.
What this means for you as a client:
If you are looking to find a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) you can be assured that everyone on our directory has fully met our required standards and is qualified to be practising in this field.