What is Somatic Experiencing ?
Somatic Experiencing ® is a pioneering body based talking therapy capable of relieving physical, emotional and psychological shock, stress and trauma.
It can help relieve pain and anxiety, restore your sense of self, your curiosity for life, your ability to love and be loved, and encourages a relaxed confidence in life.
It is a beautifully simple and powerful process that works with the body’s natural self regulating systems and doesn’t necessarily involve touch or body-work.
How does SE® work ?
Wild animals are regularly threatened with death yet rarely become traumatised. This highly charged energy released in their body to enable them to fight back or run away is discharged when the threat has passed. It is this primitive discharge process that helps the animal return to full normal health and not become overwhelmed.
We are equipped with the same capacity to overcome an overwhelming experience. Yet we also have a rational brain that frequently ‘rejects’ the powerful primal instinct of the body. The result is that huge fight/flight energy gets trapped in our nervous system where it can lead to symptoms; sometimes immediately, sometimes years later.
SE’s guided gentle process of sensing within and without can lead to a renegotiation of traumatic experiences that have been ‘stored in the body’. This can have a profound effect on your ability to recover and put the past where it belongs.